What is Race condition?


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What is race condition?

A race condition occurs when the correct execution of a program depends on the timing or relative order of events that are out of the program’s control. These events can result from situations like instructions executing in different threads to hardware interrupts or external signals.

Think of it like two runners in a race, where the winning order depends on factors beyond their control, like which one stumbles on a loose shoe lace or gets caught in a sudden gust of wind. In the same way, the outcome of a race condition in a program depends on unpredictable timing factors, leading to potential bugs and inconsistent behavior.

Characteristics of race conditions

Here are some key characteristics of race conditions:
  • Multiple threads or processes: They typically involve the interaction of multiple threads or processes competing for access to the same shared resource.
  • Uncontrolled timing: The events that influence the outcome of the race condition are external or unpredictable, like the order of instruction execution or external signals.
  • Undesirable outcomes: When the threads or processes access the shared resource out of order, it can lead to unexpected or undesired behavior, like data corruption, incorrect calculations, or even crashes.

Types of race conditions

There are various types of race conditions, but some common examples include:
  • Check-then-act: A thread checks a condition, then performs an action based on that condition. However, if another thread changes the condition between the check and the action, the outcome might be wrong.
  • Lost update: Two threads try to update the same shared variable at the same time. Only one update will be successful, potentially losing the other update entirely.
  • Deadlock: Two threads are both waiting for each other to release a resource, leading to a permanent stalemate where neither thread can proceed.

Preventing race conditions

Preventing race conditions requires careful program design and synchronization techniques. Some common approaches include:
  • Mutual exclusion: Locking mechanisms like mutexes and semaphores ensure that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time.
  • Atomic operations: These indivisible operations guarantee that all modifications to a shared resource are completed together, without the risk of interference from other threads.
  • Thread-safe data structures: Carefully designed data structures incorporate internal synchronization mechanisms to handle concurrent access safely.


Understanding and addressing race conditions is crucial for writing robust and reliable concurrent programs. By proactively implementing prevention strategies, you can ensure that your program behaves predictably and consistently, even in unpredictable timing environments.


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